“Instructions for living a life,

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it.”

- Mary Oliver

I am a multidisciplinary teaching artist, published poet, ministry leader, writer, photographer, baseball coach, space maker, beauty gatherer, encourager of creativity and creative community, and a beloved daughter of the King.

I believe we heal in creative community.

I offer creative workshops in my home art studio and my community in Wake Forest, North Carolina.

Beauty and gratitude are my weapons of choice and I’m passionate about wrestling with the 90% that’s below the top 10% of surface-level living and the real people who want to go there with me, singing car-aoke with a hairbrush microphone, sparkly things, cool seed pods, giving sincere compliments, and sharing my testimony so others can know the goodness of Jesus. Thanks for being here.

Who am I?

I am blessed to be married to my best friend, Derrick, who gives me more time to create in my art studio because he likes to cook! He’s also selfless, loves the Lord, and is quite the looker. I’m mom to three kiddos with biblical names - two very active and charismatic sons, and a teenage daughter who is an incredibly talented artist. I spend a lot of time chasing down our rescue dog, Louis Armstrong, pulling chewed-up paper towels that he snuck out of the trash or Pokemon cards out of his mouth. We recently moved from the Atlanta area to North Carolina and expect to take full advantage of living between the coast and the mountains now.

I am a maker, a creative, a lover of beauty. I live to create and create to live. From a very young age, I was creating my own elaborate games and clubs for my friends, all kinds of various art, commercials for my favorite products, and making up songs with my hairbrush microphones in my mirror. I wrote and mailed letters in cursive on floral stationery to my grandparents in another state. With a thread and a needle and my very rudimentary sewing skills, I’d repair the holes in his beloved Mr. Bear for my big brother because I could contribute to making something better and bringing happiness to another through my creativity. Creating helped me connect to the world, to others, myself and later it would help me connect to God.

A little bit of my story

I’ve always had a very strong sense of self and identity and one of my favorite memories supporting this is when I was in an elementary school Christmas performance and all of the second grade was asked to dress in their Christmas finest, velvet reds and Christmas plaids, with their shiny black patent mary janes and lacy socks. I had convinced my mom to allow me to wear my favorite purple outfit and purple boots with fur. To this day, I’m not sure how she felt comfortable doing that, but as a mother, I can understand “picking and choosing your battles”. I had a solo that night and stood out like a sore thumb on the stage but I remember feeling pretty awesome in my power color, purple.

For a few decades of my life, I stepped away from art and pursued business. The Lord brought me back to art during a season of long-suffering. He knew I would be able to meet him there on some of my darkest nights. Now, some of this pain shows up in my writing and visual art as I process a lot of the suffering, pain, and loss through poetry, psalms, and writing on my Substack Becoming. Immersing myself back into art brought a rich and magical awakening to all of the beauty the Lord surrounds us with. Beauty became a powerful tool for me to combat darkness and suffering and a very real ‘sustaining grace’ that has comforted me smack dab in the middle of my pain and trauma that our family has experienced over these last seven years. I have learned to not shy away from the pain and suffering and in fact, it’s the very thing that brought me into a more intimate and sweet relationship with the Lord. I now can thank God for these past seven years of pain. He is in the business of making beauty from ashes and he wastes nothing. I want to waste nothing, also.

“When people cease to be surrounded by beauty, they cease to hope.” N.T. Wright

I can’t mention beauty as a big part of my life without including nature. I am a master naturalist and conservationist/environmental educator and our family is always collecting nature treasures to add to our extensive, museum-level collection of nature objects, which I affectionately call our ‘cabinet of curiosities’. It is not unusual to find dead insects lying around in containers waiting to be pinned, including two brown boxes currently in our refrigerator with several dead butterfly specimens that I received from the natural history museum.

I love collecting books, and reading some of them. You can see a list of some of my favorites here. Give me a free day and I could spend the entire day in a library or bookstore, happily. I am almost always reading at least 5 books at a time, including the Bible, a collection of poetry, and a book on spiritual development. I don’t read a lot of fiction but I love reading and collecting good quotes! I have notebooks full of them. I am an avid journaler and write ‘morning pages’ every morning.

I’m also a baseball coach. I was an athlete through all of my school years and when my boys were old enough to play rec sports, I was quick to volunteer to help in the dugout. However, it became hard for me to just watch and help - I wanted to coach! It didn’t take long before I was out there on the field as Coach Kelly. I absolutely adore it and it keeps me feeling young and active. I suppose I’ll keep coaching as long as I can keep lapping the boys around the bases. I was a fast one in my ‘glory days’.

Our family lived through an unimaginable experience and truly knows what it feels like to lose everything. This is a part of my suffering story. We lost our family’s dream home, our health, our dogs’ lives, our jobs, my art studio, all of our belongings, and all of our money in a very short time frame when our family discovered hidden toxic mold in our home. I am more familiar with mystery chronic illness than I care to be, and have become a huge PANS/PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep Infections) advocate through our family’s tumultuous journey with it. I feel anytime God gives you an experience like that, He calls you to help and encourage others who are also walking through similar challenges.

I grew up in church. My grandparents were both pastors, but we didn’t have a super religious home. I did all the things good little girls who ‘believed in God’ did. I went to church, prayed, blessed my food and loved others. I knew the Sunday-school Jesus loved me, but it was an abstract love - not a personal “for me” love.

I was an adult when I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. It’s been over a decade and I’m STILL LEARNING how to fully receive his love and understand what that looks like. A huge part of that process has been learning how important our own healing is in order to give and to receive God’s love fully. My healing journey is another theme in my art, poetry and writing.

Moving from ‘believing in God’ to becoming a ‘disciple of Christ’ was one of my greatest joys in life. The more I know him, the more I trust him and the more I trust him, the more I love him and the more I love him, the more I feel seen/known/loved in return and want to keep knowing, trusting, and loving him. It’s exciting to know I have the opportunity to constantly grow here. It’s exciting to see the world with ‘new creation’ eyes, where beauty abounds and beauty heals and redeems, and sustains, and provides.

In all of this, in everything on this entire website, I pray that all I share with others, everything I have to offer, points to Jesus and who he is and how much he loves us. I’ll be real about it and it won’t always be pretty. And I’ll be vulnerable because I know that’s where true connection and healing happen.

Thanks for being here.

Five Fun Facts

  1. I once sang in the car for 5 hours straight on a drive back from the beach, and was sad when our family finally arrived home because I wanted to keep singing. I love karaoke and have posted a few of our family’s caraoke posts on Instagram. Derrick and I enjoy practicing karaoke in the car on date nights and have a playlist of songs that we would be ready to sing for karaoke if and when the opportunity presents itself.

  2. I love the cornchip smell of my dog’s paws. Although, I have learned that means they have fungus or something and I should probably treat it.

  3. I grew up exposed to lots of various GREAT music and enjoy sharing my diverse taste with my children and teaching them what great music really is. While he was living, my maternal grandfather, an army major, taught me all about WWII music and that’s when I learned to love jazz, jazz standards and big band. My paternal grandfather, a pastor, exposed me to classic hymns and spirituals. My mom and dad were in a shag dance club and exposed me to beach music/motown, soul and would listen to doo wop, and other great oldies, as well as the pop of that time which grew my love of 70’s easy listening and ALL 80’s music. My brother listened to east coast rap and jam-bands, like The Grateful Dead, and my best friend’s parents listened to classic rock. I have an affinity for indie, alternative, and rock-n-roll like Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Fleetwood Mac. One of my favorite things to do with friends is sit around the fire pit, or pool, or any relaxed setting and listen to or sing good music. I have enjoyed making playlists all my life - as a high school student for my friends, as gifts for all of the guests at our wedding, for Derrick on our anniversary, for Naomi’s birthdays every year and I enjoy making ‘Get Pumped Up for Baseball/Basketball/Soccer’ playlists for the boys, too.

  4. I have a diverse work background and before re-entering the art world, I was an award-winning salesperson for an international hotel chain, a medical device salesperson for a major pharmaceutical company, chief sales and marketing officer for a company I started, and with my entrepreneurial spirit and business degree, I started several other businesses throughout my career, as well as did some business consulting on the side. All of this feels like a past life now that I have immersed myself in the art world.

  5. My love language is ‘acts of service’, my spiritual gifts are teaching, evangelism and administration. And I don’t quite know what to make of this 3-way tie on the Enneagram: Type 4, Type 9 and Type 3 with Type 6 and Type 2 in a tie for second place. Perhaps I need to take it again?

A Few Things I Can’t Stand (because it’s fun to know these things, right?)

Yes, this may seem like an odd thing to include on a website but I love learning this about others so in case you do, too, here are a few of mine:

  1. One of the worst things in the entire world to me is when my fingernail bends backward. Eghhhhehehehhehe, I’m having a hard time even typing this out it affects me so badly, like in my core, and makes my skin crawl to even imagine it. Egh.

  2. Something else that drives me nuts like no other is when something is rolling around in the backseat while I’m driving or riding in the car. The absolute worst of all is a Perplexus, with the little metal ball rolling around the hard plastic maze, but water bottles and other weighty objects that can roll around and make all that ruckus are pretty bad, too.

  3. I am really affected by bad things happening to animals…perhaps more than the typical person. I have a really hard time watching educational nature shows that include the good, bad and ugly. As much as I love nature and learning about it, I am deeply affected by the prey-predator relationship when it’s shown on television. And don’t get me started on people mistreating animals, and those heart-wrenching ASPCA commercials.