Mixed Media // Art Journal // Nature Journal // Sketches // Zines // Playbooks

“Effective stewardship leads to generative work and a generative culture. We turn wheat into bread—and bread into community. We turn grapes into wine—and wine into occasions for joyful camaraderie, conviviality, conversation, and creativity. We turn minerals into paints—and paints into works that lift the heart or stir the spirit. We turn ideas and experiences into imaginative worlds for sheer enjoyment and to expand the scope of our empathy.” ― Makoto Fujimura

I love creating many different types of art. I have read many books and articles about the importance of artists 'staying in their lane’, creating a ‘style’ so their collectors can recognize their voice and so they have consistency. But I find staying in one lane boring. I embrace the many ideas of things I wish to create and feel I would not be honoring my ‘inner artist’ or the Holy Spirit if I don’t at least invest some amount of time to the ideas to see if and where they might go. I have learned so much about myself, my art and my practice this way. Perhaps one day I’ll hone in on something. But probably not.

Below is a sampling of some of the ‘other’ art I like to create. I usually post all of my art on Instagram.



